Three New Videos - HiperPFS-4
2017-04-06 10:28

April 5th, 2017

Power Integrations has just produced new videos demonstrating the features of its

latest product, HiperPFS™-4.

HiperPFS-4 600 V MOSFET for High Reliability


Watch this video to see how the high voltage MOSFET in HiperPFS-4 allows the driver to

support boost voltages of 450 V for 308 VAC lighting applications.

HiperPFS-4 Highly Efficient Across Load Range


Learn how Power Integrations’ proprietary CCM variable-frequency control algorithm ensures that

efficiency is maximized under all load conditions.

HiperPFS-4 High Power Factor Across Load Range


See how HiperPFS-4’s unique light-load filter compensation algorithm corrects for input filter distortion

even at loads under 10%, ensuring excellent PF and THD.


To watch these videos and learn more about HiperPFS-4, visit the HiperPFS-4 product page.